Sunday, November 14, 2010

You Have What It Takes
You are the reason behind the creation of universe,
Yet you doubt if you have the power to create”

Do you know now who you actually are?
You are the creator and the creation! What are you waiting for?
Go create the life you want. Are you still not sure of your reality. Don’t worry. It’s just that
you are out of practice.
Out of Practice?
Yes, you stopped behaving like a master long time back. You feel more comfortable in taking orders from others. Let’s recall when you stopped expecting to be treated like a seignior. May be at the age of 4 or 5 years. Why did you do so?
Because, you chose to believe what others said rather than have faith in you. .You took it a little too seriously the constant bombardment with so many Do’s and Don’t by your parents, teachers and later by your friends, colleagues, neighbours, relatives and bosses. As a result, you started behaving according to their beliefs and expectations. Your own expectation from life and from yourself got submerged under the heap of their expectations. Your true friend, your real self was lost in the crowd of these people who believe that their only mission in life is to correct others, dictate others, forgetting themselves and making you forget that we all are here to accomplish our heart’s desire and let others do the same.
I remember reading this interesting story about an unusual frog race. Frogs arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants. The race began. No one in the crowd believed that the frogs would reach the top of tower.
Some said, “They will NEVER make it to the top. Others said,” The tower is too high!" The tiny frogs began collapsing, one by one, except for few.
The crowd continued to yell, "It’s too difficult! No one will make it!"
More frogs got tired and gave up, but one continued to ascend higher and higher. This one would not give up!
After a huge effort, he was the only one who reached the top! Then all the other frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it?
A contestant asked the frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal. It turned out that the winner was deaf!
Let nobody else decide what you can or cannot do.
While doing e basic course of Art of Living, our teacher told us to take back all the remote controls of our life that we had distributed to hundreds of people. I was taken aback, for a moment I thought which remote controls he was talking about. He then said, “ Don’t you behave as if you have distributed remote controls of your life to everybody around you , not only to your loved ones , friends but even to strangers. If someone presses the praise button, you feel on top of the world, and when another person presses the criticize button, you loose your sleep. Actually, most of the times, the comments have got nothing to do with you. The person who praised you may have got a raise that day and that’s why must have been in a good mood and the other person who found fault with you might have been shouted at by his boss.”
Can you imagine what will happen to your television set if hundred people have its remote control? That’s what is happening to your life. It is bound to be a mess if you allow every Tom, Dick and Harry to interfere in your life.
Sometimes I wish if only I could get a remote control like that. I'd sure put a lot of people on "mute." Jokes apart, most of us behave as puppets with our strings getting pulled by anyone and anytime.
It’s high time you take back all the remotes, and please return all the remotes of other people’s life too. If you don’t want to be criticized unnecessarily then you must stop doing the same to others. Haven’t you heard that before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes (that way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes too)?
On a serious note stop judging and all the judges surrounding you will disappear
Because when you judge others, you judge yourself. Remember the real self is same in all of us. You see your reflection in others.
When you see something in yourself, you recognize it in others.
If you find it is difficult to forgive people, you are not able to absolve yourself of the guilt.
If you hate others, you don’t love yourself
When you doubt others, you don’t trust yourself.
If you say he is selfish, it means you are an egoistic.
If you think others are dull, clumsy, that means you don’t have patience.
If you blame others, that means you don’t want to be responsible.
Therefore, every time you criticize others it only means you are judging yourself harshly.
If you judge people, you have no time to love them”.
Mother Teresa
Why do we judge?
Judging involves comparison which is possible only when at least two distinct entities are present. When you view the world in terms of ‘I’ and ‘Others’ you are incited to judge. If only you would realize the truth that there is no ‘me’, ’you’ or ‘them’ you will cease to judge.
How is this possible?
Our eyes can see that we are separate individuals. They have limitations; they are not capable of visualizing the whole reality. What we observe about ourselves and rest of the world is just a fraction of reality. It is a small piece of a picture not the whole picture. Our self-image and the image of the world is the result of sensory input that we send to our brain through our senses However, our senses have limitations. What we visualize as specific shape, dimensions and boundaries of a particular object is only because our eyes are sensitive to a particular wavelength of electromagnetic spectrum i.e. the visible spectrum. Suppose our eyes were sensitive to different wavelengths, such as X-rays, all the objects would appear different. There would be no colors except black and white. We all would appear as skeletons. Tables and chair would become transparent. The shape, the dimensions and the boundaries of the various objects would be different. Similarly, if we could see in infrared wavelengths the world would appear altogether different. Therefore, what we call reality is not absolute it changes with the wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum we use to observe it. The boundaries separating objects change depending on how you perceive them.
Similarly, our ears can hear sounds of frequencies between 20 – 20, 0000 Hz. This does not mean that sounds of lower or higher frequencies do not exist.
Therefore, because of the limitations of our senses we cannot experience the whole truth. It’s like trying to look at the whole world through the window of your room. You know for sure that you cannot view the whole world through your window. Similarly, you cannot experience the truth through your sensory organs and brain. You can know the reality only by getting in touch with the real self by directing your mind inwards, when you stop your senses from influencing the mind by constant onslaught of information from the external world.
Our senses fragmentize the reality and individualize you. They don’t let us unite with
our whole self.
We are actually part of a continuous, timeless, limitless unending, universe. When we experience ourselves through our senses as individuals, separated from the rest we create an optical delusion of self-image limiting ourselves in time and space. The delusion is created because of how you perceive time and space.
So, how can we know what is reality?
It is the ego that exists in time and the body occupies space. As long as you view the world through ego and body, you cannot perceive the reality.. It can be comprehended only through your real self which is timeless and limitless.
Fine, the reality is limitless, but how is it timeless?
As I said earlier our senses due to their limited abilities cannot see beyond a certain length, breadth, height and time. We believe that at any particular time an object has certain dimensions and can exist only at a specific place. It is elusive for our senses to perceive that what we call past and future actually exist with now. Because of the limitations of our mind (working through senses), we are not able to experience them at the same moment. Our mind beguiled by senses cannot comprehend the reality.
Let us understand it in a scientific way. According to the theory of relativity, if the speed of any object reaches that of light, time slows to a stop. However, this can be noticed only by an observer who is not in motion with the time that is being measured.. The real self which is timeless and limitless is independent of time and space and therefore is the only witness of reality.
Our real self due to its ubiquitous nature can see, hear everything simultaneously that happened in past or will happen in future because it is not restricted by time and space.
Then why aren’t we experiencing our life through the real self?
We have got so accustomed to using the senses that it is difficult but not impossible for us to visualize anything other than beyond the comprehension of our senses. We have got so preoccupied with these toy tools that we forgot we have the most powerful tool the real self. It is as if we have a high-end computer but we use it only for performing calculations. If you want to maximize the utilization of the computer’s potentiality then foremost you should realize and develop faith in its extraordinariness and learn to make use of it.
Realize the incredibility of your real self. Envision through the eyes of real self. They can construe everything. They are not restrained by time or distance. Listen with the ears of real self. They can hear the sounds that you have never heard the symphony of the universe.
Fine, but how do we get to the real self?
Have patience, which is what you must have in abundance to know the real self.
Let us understand clearly first how we managed to create our limited identity.
When we view the world around us using our five senses, a false image of everything is created by a powerful device called ‘MIND’ which uses brain to store this information. Mind creates two directories named ‘I’ and ‘OTHERS’ to store the information
You mean actually there is no I or others!
Yes. Suppose, you stir soap water, you get lots of bubbles. Some are small others are big, some last for a short time, others a little longer. Eventually, they all merge with the soap water from which they originated. You are not taken in by the freestanding of bubbles; you are absolutely certain that they are nothing else but soap water. It’s only a matter of time that they will cease to exist as bubbles and will revert to their original nature i.e. soap water.
MIND acts like a stirrer, continuously churning the information received via senses, creating bubbles of thoughts and giving rise to illusion of separate identity ‘I’. It is working overtime to make sure that you remain a tiny separate bubble and do not merge with the rest.
You must realize that there is no point in holding on to your tiny narcissist, vainglorious ‘I’. It is not doing any good to you. It has isolated you from the rest. It believes in creating boundaries and hence is responsible for the limited expectations you have from yourself and from life. A single droplet of water has little power but when it merges with other droplets and forms ocean it has tremendous powers. All of us are aware of the fact that when fusion of lightweight atoms occurs to form a heavier atom (e.g. Hydrogen atoms fuse to form Helium) a whole lot of energy is released. Therefore, stop identifying yourself as a separate entity, merge with all and enjoy the powers of all. You are part of a bigger picture which includes everyone and everything.
When in crowd, I feel I am alone
In solitude, I’m in concert with everyone.
In every heart, I see thyself
Don’t need a mirror to see myself.
Silence is giving voice to the verity
It won’t allow the words of falsities.
The yoke between ‘others’ and ‘I’ is gone
Let me rejoice, I am finally back home
Isn’t our real self more powerful, then how come our life is dominated by ‘I’?
Our real self is sure that it has no competition. It is not interested in power game. It has immense patience. It is sure you will eventually realize the truth. Do you ever try to impress an infant with your status, power and money? However, if you feel threatened by the achievements of another adult then you waste no time in enlisting your accomplishments. Similarly, your illusionary ‘I’ constantly feels threatened by your real self. It knows that it can never stand up to your true self. It knows it cannot last forever, eventually it has to relinquish the position to the true master the real self. Hence, in order to convince itself of its superiority it dominates your life by working through mind which in turn uses senses to gratify your ‘I’. You have got so accustomed to your identity as ‘I’ that you never question its existence. On the other hand, you doubt the very existence of your real self.
You can rediscover your true identity only by developing an unassailable, inviolable faith in your real self.
When the clouds hide the sun, it is still there, beyond the clouds. Do you ever doubt the existence of sun? The clouds of thoughts and emotions occupying your mind hide your true self.
O Kabir, He alone's the Warrior, who takes on the "mind" head-on
Crushing the shield of the sensual five, all duality is gone
Put a coin in a bucket full of water. You see the coin lying at the bottom of the bucket. Now stir the water vigorously with your hand. Did you notice, the coin is not visible due to the whirls of water? However, not even for a fraction of a moment you doubted the presence of coin in the water.
If you want to experience your real self, STOP DOUBTING ITS EXISTENCE.
Is it that simple?
Yes, it is simple but not easy.
What do you mean?
It is simple because the only thing you need is to have faith in your real self. It is not easy because your ‘I’ will try every possible trick to keep your mind occupied with of all kinds of thoughts and emotions and you need an empty mind to get to know the real self. You have allowed your ‘I’ to use the mind to run your life according to its own whims and fancies. Your mind is so accustomed to serve and please the ‘I’ that it is going to take some patience to make it work along with the real self. Your ‘I’ is going to try relentlessly to make sure that your mind denies the presence of the supreme that is your real self. It creates doubt in the mind that they i.e. ‘I’ and ‘ Mind’ will cease to exist if the mind accepts the existence of real self. The ‘I’ tricks your mind to believe that it is all-powerful and is capable of running the show perfectly.
You cannot get rid of ‘I’ and mind’s dominion by reasoning or denying. Be patient, focused and determined and you will succeed in convincing the mind that acknowledging the existence of the true self is going to set it free from the clutches of ‘I’. It will realize that although there are many bodies but only one mind. It will enjoy a free will. It will be allowed to work in peace without getting disturbed by the unnecessary thoughts and emotions which make it loose its focus It will merge with the whole .
Imagine that Mind is working, as the CEO of the company named ‘LIFE’ which ‘I’ believes is owned by it. ‘I’ is unaware of the fact that the actual owner i.e. the real self is cool about it because it knows that sooner or later ‘I’ is definitely going to resign and handover the power back to the real self.
If you want to ensure the changeover right now then what you have to do is to sit quietly outside MIND’s office and witness its working. Patiently watch all the visitors (thoughts). Some will stay for a short time others may stay a little longer. Some of them would be frequent visitors others would seldom come. Some of them would be pleasant, kind, compassionate, loving (TYPE I) others would be nasty, angry, proud, arrogant (TYPE II). Do not react to them. Remember you are just an onlooker. They are not your visitors. Initially don’t even let them know that you are watching.
Now fix an appointment with the boss (Mind) and make him understand that it needs to employ someone who can screen the visitors. There are too many visitors with insidious intentions; they are not doing any good to him or to the company (LIFE). Convince him to give you the charge to scrutinize and managing them.
Congratulations, you have got a job in your own office. Get a table and a chair and sit right next to the gate with a big smile on your face. Allow TYPE I visitors to go inside. Stop TYPE II visitors politely and tell them that boss is busy and their services are no longer needed. They will try all kinds of tricks to sneak in. Some will try to convince you how crucial they are for this office; others will try to impress you by apprising you of the fact that they have had an age long relationship with the boss. They are there to protect the boss. They are cardinal to this office. You will get to hear all kinds of excuses. Some of them are going to be very persistent. Remember you have to be patient, focused and determined (You can name this whole procedure MEDITATION).
You look quite happy now. How’s your relationship with Mr. MIND?
That’s great news. Mr. MIND has offered you partnership in your own company. That’s very generous of him. Oh, he takes your advice often. He considers you his friend. That’s a great achievement.
Now it will not take long when you i.e. your real self will reclaim its authority and guide mind to reach the acme of your potential.
You are that blessed soul who
belongs to the garden of paradise
is it fair to let yourself
fall apart in a shattered house
You are the bird of happiness
in the magic of existence
what a pity when you let
yourself be chained and caged
But if you can break free
from this dark prison named body
soon you will see
you are the sage and the fountain of life- Rumi

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